Create a data frame from all combinations of predictor values
Create a data frame from all combinations of predictor values
Create a data frame for the "newdata"-argument that contains all combinations of values from the terms in questions. Similar to expand.grid(). The terms-argument accepts all shortcuts for representative values as in predict_response().
terms: Character vector with the names of those terms from model for which all combinations of values should be created. This argument works in the same way as the terms argument in predict_response(). See also this vignette.
typical: Character vector, naming the function to be applied to the covariates (non-focal terms) over which the effect is "averaged". The default is "mean". Can be "mean", "weighted.mean", "median", "mode"
or "zero", which call the corresponding R functions (except "mode", which calls an internal function to compute the most common value); "zero"
simply returns 0. By default, if the covariate is a factor, only "mode" is applicable; for all other values (including the default, "mean") the reference level is returned. For character vectors, only the mode is returned. You can use a named vector to apply different functions to integer, numeric and categorical covariates, e.g. typical = c(numeric = "median", factor = "mode"). If typical is "weighted.mean", weights from the model are used. If no weights are available, the function falls back to "mean". Note that this argument is ignored for predict_response(), because the margin argument takes care of this.
condition: Named character vector, which indicates covariates that should be held constant at specific values. Unlike typical, which applies a function to the covariates to determine the value that is used to hold these covariates constant, condition can be used to define exact values, for instance condition = c(covariate1 = 20, covariate2 = 5). See 'Examples'.
...: Currently not used.
A data frame containing one row for each combination of values of the supplied variables.