Visualizations for 'mice' with 'ggplot2'
Scatterplot of observed and imputed data
Box-and-whisker plot of observed and imputed data
Densityplot of observed and imputed data
Plot incomplete or imputed data
Pipe operator
Plot correlations between (incomplete) variables
Plot the influx and outflux of a multivariate missing data pattern
Plot the missing data pattern of an incomplete dataset
Plot the predictor matrix of an imputation model
Plot the trace lines of the imputation algorithm
Stripplot of observed and imputed data
Theme for mice style ggplot2::ggplot objects
Minimal theme for mice style ggplot2::ggplot objects
Enhance a 'mice' imputation workflow with visualizations for incomplete and/or imputed data. The plotting functions produce 'ggplot' objects which may be easily manipulated or extended. Use 'ggmice' to inspect missing data, develop imputation models, evaluate algorithmic convergence, or compare observed versus imputed data.
Useful links