Get and Modify 'oTree' Data
Calculate the time that was spent on an app
Assign a variable to all_apps_wide
Assign a variable from all_apps_wide
Create a codebook for the oTree code
Delete specific cases
Delete dropouts
Delete duplicate data
Delete participant labels in all apps
Delete all cases of one session
Calculate the time that was spent on the whole experiment
Import oTree data
Make IDs
Check if the Chats data frame is messy
Check if the Time data frame is messy
Calculate the seconds spent on each page
Show constant columns
Show participants who did not finish the experiment
Efficiently manage and process data from 'oTree' experiments. Import 'oTree' data and clean them by using functions that handle messy data, dropouts, and other problematic cases. Create IDs, calculate the time, transfer variables between app data frames, and delete sensitive information. Review your experimental data prior to running the experiment and automatically generate a detailed summary of the variables used in your 'oTree' code. Information on 'oTree' is found in Chen, D. L., Schonger, M., & Wickens, C. (2016) <doi:10.1016/j.jbef.2015.12.001>.
Useful links