Authenticate and Create Google APIs
Get URL content based on if its Shiny or local
Setup wizard help - asking users to edit .Renviron
Setup wizard help - check if environment argument is set
Setup wizard helper - add authentication file to .Renviron
Setup wizard - introduction helper
Setup wizard help - the functions that will execute on different menu ...
Create the API objects from the Discovery API
Create an API library skeleton
Get the service email via GCE metadata
Get Google API errors
Check API data token
Is there a token on hand?
Create or add scopes to configuration
googleAuthR data fetch function generator
Takes a generated API function and lets you page through results
Auto Authentication function for use within .onAttach
Authorize googleAuthR
Edit and view auth configuration
JSON service account authentication
Perform auto authentication
Turn a list of gar_fetch_functions into batch functions
Walk data through batches
Setup where to put cache
Check a token vs options
Create a Google API package
Suspend authorization
Read the diagnostic object returned on API parse errors.
Get meta data details for specified Google API
Get a list of Google API libraries
Authenticate on Google Compute Engine
Authenticate via gcloud's application-default login
Work with service accounts via the API
Provision a service account
Setup the clientId, clientSecret and scopes
Check service key works via environment argument
Create a service account for googleCloudRunner
Check for a client JSON
Create Authentication within Shiny's server.R
Make a Google Authorisation URL for Shiny
A login page for Shiny
Create a Google login before your Shiny UI launches
Produce configured token
Get current token summary
Retrieve Google token from environment and configs for httr
googleAuthR: Easy Authentication with Google OAuth2 APIs
Google SignIn [Server Module]
Google SignIn [UI Module]
ReTry API requests for certain errors using exponential backoff.
Determines whether token presence and validity checks should be skippe...
Silent auth
Skip test if not authenticated
Check if authorization currently in force
Create R functions that interact with OAuth2 Google APIs <> easily, with auto-refresh and Shiny compatibility.
Useful links