R Interface to Google Charts
Google Geo Map with R googleChartName <- "geomap"gvisChartName <- "g...
Create a Google Gadget
R Interface to Google Charts
Google Annotated Time Line with R googleChartName <- "annotatedtimeli...
Google Annotation Chart with R googleChartName <- "annotationchart"gv...
Google Area Chart with R googleChartName <- "areachart"gvisChartName ...
Google Bar Chart with R googleChartName <- "barchart"gvisChartName <...
Google Bubble Chart with R googleChartName <- "bubblechart"gvisChartN...
Google Calendar Chart with R googleChartName <- "calendar"gvisChartNa...
Google Candlestick chart with R googleChartName <- "candlestickchart"...
Google Column Chart with R googleChartName <- "columnchart"gvisChartN...
Google Combo Chart with R googleChartName <- "combochart"gvisChartNam...
Google Gantt Chart with R googleChartName <- "ganttchart"gvisChartNam...
Google Gauge with R googleChartName <- "gauge"gvisChartName <- "gvis...
Google Geo Chart with R googleChartName <- "geochart"gvisChartName <...
Google Histogram Chart with R googleChartName <- "histogram"gvisChart...
Google Line Chart with R googleChartName <- "linechart"gvisChartName ...
Google Maps with R googleChartName <- "map"gvisChartName <- "gvisMap...
Merge two googleVis charts into one gvis-object
Print and plot gvis objects
Google Motion Chart with R googleChartName <- "motionchart"gvisChartN...
Google Org Chart with R googleChartName <- "orgchart"gvisChartName <...
Google Pie Chart with R googleChartName <- "piechart"gvisChartName <...
Google Sankey Chart with R googleChartName <- "sankey"gvisChartName ...
Google Scatter Chart with R googleChartName <- "scatterchart"gvisChar...
Google Stepped Area Chart with R googleChartName <- "steppedarechart"...
Google Table Chart with R googleChartName <- "table"gvisChartName <-...
Google Timeline Chart with R googleChartName <- "timeline"gvisChartNa...
Google Tree Map with R googleChartName <- "treemap"gvisChartName <- ...
Google Word Tree with R googleChartName <- "wordtree"gvisChartName <...
R interface to Google's chart tools, allowing users to create interactive charts based on data frames. Charts are displayed locally via the R HTTP help server. A modern browser with an Internet connection is required. The data remains local and is not uploaded to Google.