Simple and Scalable Statistical Modelling in R
Vectorised is.null
convert other objects to greta arrays
Convert object to a "greta_model" object
Create objects of class 'unknowns' to nicely print ? valued arrays
calculate greta arrays given fixed values
Compute the Cholesky Factor of a Matrix
Cholesky Factor to Symmetric Matrix
Remove greta dependencies and remove miniconda
set dims like on a matrix/array
generic to grab dimensions of nodes
define a distribution over data
probability distributions
extract, replace and combine greta arrays
functions for greta arrays
Set GPU or CPU usage
Create conda environment for greta
Capture greta python dependencies.
Specify python dependencies for greta
Installs miniconda
Set logfile path when installing greta
Greta Situation Report
greta: simple and scalable statistical modelling in R
Statistical inference on greta models.
Install Python dependencies for greta
internal greta methods
Is object a greta array?
Is object a greta_mcmc_list
define joint distributions
mixtures of probability distributions
greta model objects
Read a greta logfile
arithmetic, logical and relational operators for greta arrays
optimisation methods
Functions overloaded by greta
Print method for greta python deps
Print method for greta MCMC list
Objects exported from other packages
Helpers to remove, and reinstall python environments and miniconda
Dispatch optimisation method to right class
MCMC samplers
Simulate Responses From greta_model
Retrieve python messages.
create data greta arrays
transformation functions for greta arrays
create greta variables
Write greta dependency installation log file
Write statistical models in R and fit them by MCMC and optimisation on CPUs and GPUs, using Google 'TensorFlow'. greta lets you write your own model like in BUGS, JAGS and Stan, except that you write models right in R, it scales well to massive datasets, and it’s easy to extend and build on. See the website for more information, including tutorials, examples, package documentation, and the greta forum.
Useful links