estimate_rate function

Compute rate estimates, a function to be passed on to bootstrap routine.

Compute rate estimates, a function to be passed on to bootstrap routine.

estimate_rate(data, indices, q, wtd.mean)


  • data: A data.frame with the original data, column 1: DR.scores*sample.weights, column 2: sample.weights (positive), column 3: priority scores (integer vector with scores 1,...,num.unique.prios).
  • indices: A vector of indices which define the bootstrap sample.
  • q: A vector of fractions to compute TOC on, with last entry = 1.
  • wtd.mean: A weighting function determining the type of RATE estimate.


an estimate of RATE, together with the TOC curve.

  • Maintainer: Erik Sverdrup
  • License: GPL-3
  • Last published: 2024-11-15