forest_list: A list of forests to be concatenated. All forests must be of the same type, and the type must be a subclass of grf. In addition, all forests must have the same ''. Other tuning parameters (e.g. alpha, mtry, min.node.size, imbalance.penalty) are allowed to differ across forests.
compute.oob.predictions: Whether OOB predictions on training set should be precomputed. Note that even if OOB predictions have already been precomputed for the forests in 'forest_list', those predictions are not used. Instead, a new set of oob predictions is computed anew using the larger forest. Default is TRUE.
A single forest containing all the trees in each forest in the input list.
# Train standard regression forestsn <-50p <-10X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)Y <- X[,1]* rnorm(n)r.forest1 <- regression_forest(X, Y, compute.oob.predictions =FALSE, num.trees =100)r.forest2 <- regression_forest(X, Y, compute.oob.predictions =FALSE, num.trees =100)# Join the forests together. The resulting forest will contain 200 trees.big_rf <- merge_forests(list(r.forest1, r.forest2))