Implementation of the Vegetation Model ModVege
Lookup table returning expected annual gross yields as function of ele...
Set verbosity of growR output.
Plot ModVege simulation result overview
Atmospheric CO2 concentration
Functional group A
Functional group B
Functional group C
Functional group D
Radiation limitation
Water stress
List of Performance Metrics
growR environment data
Parameter Data Object
Concentration representative year
Add data to a ggplot
Analyze results of a parameter scan
Write data to supplied file in append mode without generating a warn...
Endpoint smoother
Debugging utilities
Build the effective functional group as a weighted linear combination.
Check if package is available
Temperature limitation
Representation of a grassland plant population
Compare simulation results
Create Valid Combinations
Provide an example ModvegeEnvironment
Check if supplied table contains all required variables.
Replace given filename by a version that contains an incremental numbe...
CO2 growth modifier
CO2 transpiration modifier
Metric Functions
Last day of cutting season
Get number of expected cuts
Relative cut contribution
Extract the name of a site from a filename
growR: R implementation of the grass growth model ModVege.
Default options introduced by package growR
Run growR simulations
Load experimental data
Primitive logger for debugging.
Create unique DOY + year identifier
Management Data Class
Parse and generate lists of years.
Plot Parameter Scan Results
Addition of two functional groups
Plot Parameter Scan Results
Read simulation run configurations from file
Parameter Scan
Seasonal effect on growth
Initialize growR directory structure
Determine start of growing season
Multicriterial Thermal Definition
Scalar multiplication of functional group (order matters: scalar * FG)
Weather Data Object
Create a weighted temperature sum
Willmott Index
Run grass growth simulations using a grass growth model based on ModVege (Jouven, M., P. Carrère, and R. Baumont "Model Predicting Dynamics of Biomass, Structure and Digestibility of Herbage in Managed Permanent Pastures. 1. Model Description." (2006) <doi:10.1111/j.1365-2494.2006.00515.x>). The implementation in this package contains a few additions to the above cited version of ModVege, such as simulations of management decisions, and influences of snow cover. As such, the model is fit to simulate grass growth in mountainous regions, such as the Swiss Alps. The package also contains routines for calibrating the model and helpful tools for analysing model outputs and performance.
Useful links