Group Sequential Design
Convert a summary table object to a gt object
Save a summary table object as an RTF file
Create a summary table
Utility functions to verify variable properties
Expected number of events for a time-to-event study
One-Sample Binomial Routines
Boundary derivation - low level
Conditional Power at Interim Boundaries
Bound Summary and Z-transformations
Conditional and Predictive Power, Overall and Conditional Probability ...
Group sequential design interim density function
gsDesign: Group Sequential Design
Design Derivation
Boundary Crossing Probabilities
Time-to-event endpoint design with calendar timing of analyses
Create multiplicity graphs using ggplot2
Normal distribution sample size (2-sample)
Normal Density Grid
Advanced time-to-event sample size calculation
Time-to-event sample size calculation (Lachin-Foulkes)
Pipe operator
Plots for group sequential designs
Sequential p-value computation
Two-parameter Spending Function Families
Exponential Spending Function
Hwang-Shih-DeCani Spending Function
Lan-DeMets Spending function overview
Piecewise Linear and Step Function Spending Functions
Pointwise Spending Function
Kim-DeMets (power) Spending Function
Truncated, trimmed and gapped spending functions
t-distribution Spending Function
Xi and Gallo conditional error spending functions
Spending Function
Sample size re-estimation based on conditional power
Translate survival design bounds to exact binomial bounds
Translate group sequential design to integer events (survival designs)...
Testing, Confidence Intervals, Sample Size and Power for Comparing Two...
Derives group sequential clinical trial designs and describes their properties. Particular focus on time-to-event, binary, and continuous outcomes. Largely based on methods described in Jennison, Christopher and Turnbull, Bruce W., 2000, "Group Sequential Methods with Applications to Clinical Trials" ISBN: 0-8493-0316-8.
Useful links