Converting Transport Data from GTFS Format to GPS-Like Records
Adjust the arrival and departure times of a GTFS data
Adjust the speeds of a gps-like table created with gtfs2gps
Add a column with height to GPS data
Filter GTFS trips in order to have one trip per shape_id
Filter GTFS data using valid stop times
Converts a GPS-like data.table to a LineString Simple Feature (sf) obj...
Convert GPS-like data.table to a Simple Feature points object
Convert GTFS shapes to simple feature object
Convert GTFS stops to simple feature object
Convert GTFS to GPS-like data given a spatial resolution
Read GTFS data into a list of data.tables
Remove invalid objects from GTFS data
Simplify shapes of a GTFS file
Test whether a GTFS feed is frequency based
Write GTFS data into a zip file
Convert general transit feed specification (GTFS) data to global positioning system (GPS) records in 'data.table' format. It also has some functions to subset GTFS data in time and space and to convert both representations to simple feature format.
Useful links