i2e function

Importing to Export

Importing to Export

Importing to Export

Vertical Specialization

Vertical Specialisation

i2e(x, by = NULL, subset = NULL) vertical_specialisation(x, by = NULL, subset = NULL) vertical_specialization(x, by = NULL, subset = NULL)


  • x: A Leontief decomposed Inter-Country Input Output table as created by decompr
  • by: variable to subset by
  • subset: value(s) of the subset variable to select


# load the decompr package library(decompr) # load the example data set data(leather) attach(leather) # create a leontief decomposed data set l <- decomp(x = inter, y = final, k = countries, i = industries, o = out) # apply the Import to Exports analysis i2e( l )
  • Maintainer: Bastiaan Quast
  • License: GPL-3
  • Last published: 2022-06-19