H2OInfogram class
H2OInfogram class contains a subset of what a normal H2OModel will return class
: string returned as part of every H2OModel
: string denoting the algorithm used to build infogramadmissible_features
: string array denoting all predictor names which pass the cmi and relelvance thresholdadmissible_features_valid
: string array denoting all predictor names which pass the cmi and relelvance threshold from validation frameadmissible_features_xval
: string array denoting all predictor names which pass the cmi and relelvance threshold from cv holdout setnet_information_threshold
: numeric value denoting threshold used for predictor selectiontotal_information_threshold
: numeric value denoting threshold used for predictor selectionsafety_index_threshold
: numeric value denoting threshold used for predictor selectionrelevance_index_threshold
: numeric value denoting threshold used for predictor selectionadmissible_score
: H2OFrame
that contains columns, admissible, admissible_index, relevance, cmi, cmi_rawadmissible_score_valid
: H2OFrame
that contains columns, admissible, admissible_index, relevance, cmi, cmi_raw from validation frameadmissible_score_xval
: H2OFrame
that contains averages of columns, admissible, admissible_index, relevance, cmi, cmi_raw from cv hold-out