as.character.H2OFrame function

Convert an H2OFrame to a String

Convert an H2OFrame to a String

## S3 method for class 'H2OFrame' as.character(x, ...)


  • x: An H2OFrame object
  • ...: Further arguments to be passed from or to other methods.


## Not run: library(h2o) h2o.init() pretrained <- as.h2o(data.frame( C1 = c("a", "b"), C2 = c(0, 1), C3 = c(1, 0), C4 = c(0.2, 0.8), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)) pretrained_w2v <- h2o.word2vec(pre_trained = pretrained, vec_size = 3) words <- as.character(as.h2o(c("b", "a", "c", NA, "a"))) vecs <- h2o.transform(pretrained_w2v, words = words) ## End(Not run)
  • Maintainer: Tomas Fryda
  • License: Apache License (== 2.0)
  • Last published: 2024-01-11