ig: Infogram object trained with the same protected columns
model_fun: Function that creates models. This can be something like h2o.automl, h2o.gbm, etc.
training_frame: Training frame
test_frame: Test frame
y: Response column
protected_columns: Protected columns
reference: List of values corresponding to a reference for each protected columns. If set to NULL, it will use the biggest group as the reference.
favorable_class: Positive/favorable outcome class of the response.
feature_selection_metrics: One or more columns from the infogram@admissible_score.
metric: Metric supported by stats::dist which is used to sort the features.
air_metric: Metric used for Adverse Impact Ratio calculation. Defaults to selectedRatio.
alpha: The alpha level is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis that the protected group and the reference came from the same population when the null hypothesis is true.
...: Parameters that are passed to the model_fun.
frame containing aggregations of intersectional fairness across the models
## Not run:library(h2o)h2o.connect()data <- h2o.importFile(paste0("https://s3.amazonaws.com/h2o-public-test-data/smalldata/","admissibleml_test/taiwan_credit_card_uci.csv"))x <- c('LIMIT_BAL','AGE','PAY_0','PAY_2','PAY_3','PAY_4','PAY_5','PAY_6','BILL_AMT1','BILL_AMT2','BILL_AMT3','BILL_AMT4','BILL_AMT5','BILL_AMT6','PAY_AMT1','PAY_AMT2','PAY_AMT3','PAY_AMT4','PAY_AMT5','PAY_AMT6')y <-"default payment next month"protected_columns <- c('SEX','EDUCATION')for(col in c(y, protected_columns)) data[[col]]<- as.factor(data[[col]])splits <- h2o.splitFrame(data,0.8)train <- splits[[1]]test <- splits[[2]]reference <- c(SEX ="1", EDUCATION ="2")# university educated manfavorable_class <-"0"# no default next monthig <- h2o.infogram(x, y, train, protected_columns = protected_columns)print(ig@admissible_score)plot(ig)infogram_models <- h2o.infogram_train_subset_models(ig, h2o.gbm, train, test, y, protected_columns, reference, favorable_class)pf <- h2o.pareto_front(infogram_models, x_metric ="air_min", y_metric ="AUC", optimum ="top right")plot(pf)pf@pareto_front
## End(Not run)