mojo_zip_path: Path to MOJO zip downloaded from H2O.
genmodel_jar_path: Optional, path to genmodel jar file. If NULL (default) then the h2o-genmodel.jar in the same folder as the MOJO zip will be used.
classpath: Optional, specifies custom user defined classpath which will be used when scoring. If NULL (default) then the default classpath for this MOJO model will be used.
java_options: Optional, custom user defined options for Java. By default '-Xmx4g -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=256m' is used.
verbose: Optional, if TRUE, then additional debug information will be printed. FALSE by default.
setInvNumNA: Optional, if TRUE, then then for an string that cannot be parsed into a number an N/A value will be produced, if false the command will fail. FALSE by default.
Returns a data.frame containing computed predictions