h2o.relevel_by_frequency function

Reorders levels of factor columns by the frequencies for the individual levels.

Reorders levels of factor columns by the frequencies for the individual levels.

The levels of a factor are reordered so that the most frequency level is at level 0, remaining levels are ordered from the second most frequent to the least frequent.

h2o.relevel_by_frequency(x, weights_column = NULL, top_n = -1)


  • x: H2O frame with some factor columns
  • weights_column: optional name of weights column
  • top_n: optional number of most frequent levels to move to the top (eg.: for top_n=1 move only the most frequent level)


new reordered frame


## Not run: library(h2o) h2o.init() # Convert iris dataset to an H2OFrame iris_hf <- as.h2o(iris) # Look at current ordering of the Species column levels h2o.levels(iris_hf["Species"]) # "setosa" "versicolor" "virginica" # Change the reference level to "virginica" iris_hf["Species"] <- h2o.relevel_by_frequency(x = iris_hf["Species"]) # Observe new ordering h2o.levels(iris_hf["Species"]) # "virginica" "versicolor" "setosa" ## End(Not run)
  • Maintainer: Tomas Fryda
  • License: Apache License (== 2.0)
  • Last published: 2024-01-11