Hydro-Meteorology Time-Series
Interpolation of daily records from a monthly time series
Properties of a hts series
Short-cut for file.choose
Add NA values within a time series
Adjust a time series to a statistical model
Backup a data base
Compact a data base
Convert Hubeau station files into a htsr sqlite base
Convert a full Hydraccess database into a new htsr sqlite database (Wi...
Convert a Meteo-France csv daily basic data file into a htsr sqlite ba...
Convert a Meteo-France csv hourly basic data file into a htsr sqlite b...
Convert a weewx data base into a htsr sqlite base
Create a data base
Export discharge measurements and calibrations from data base
Import a hts file into a data base
Remove hts records from a data base
Create or remove a table of a htsr sqlite base
Extraction of a time-series from htsr data base
Inventory of a station sensors of an htsr data base
Inventory of the stations of an htsr data base
Create, Modify or Remove a sensor
Create, Modify or Remove a station
Change Station id or Sensor id in a hts file
Convert an hts file in another format (xls, xlsx or csv) and vice-vers...
Build a multivariable table file in csv format
Daily average over a sequence of several years
Change the time zone of a time series
Extract 2 (or more) time-series on their common period
Conditional extraction of a time-series regarding another one
Cumul of time-series
Replace errors with gaps in a time-series based on neighboring values
Simple gapfilling in a time-series
Remove gaps in a time-series with a time interval threshold
Replace values with NA conditionally or in a time interval
Share the solid and liquid precipitations with a temperature criteria
Bind 2 time-series on consecutive periods
Replace a value by another
Restrict a series between 2 dates
Rolling average of a daily time-series
Seasonal selection
Basic statistics of a time-series
Subtitute the missing values in a series by existing values of another...
Weighted sum of time-series
Computation of the discharges from water-levels
Annual time series
hts time series with fixed timestep
htsr: Hydro-Meteorology Time-Series
Boxplot of the 12 months of a time-series.
Plot climatologies in hydrological year
Coordinate utility
Plot calibration curves water levels vs discharges
Plot of data inventory
Plot the hypsometry curve of one or more basins
Scatter plot of 2 or more time-series
Plot wind roses
Plot hts files
Compute an index of community
Compute values in a time-series with a fixed timestep
Compute atmospheric pressure, function of altitude
Compute the potential evapotranspiration with several methods
Convert specific humidity to relative humidity
Compute temperature, function of altitude
Functions for the management and treatment of hydrology and meteorology time-series stored in a 'Sqlite' data base.