oauth_service_token function

Generate OAuth token for service accounts.

Generate OAuth token for service accounts.

Service accounts provide a way of using OAuth2 without user intervention. They instead assume that the server has access to a private key used to sign requests. The OAuth app is not needed for service accounts: that information is embedded in the account itself.

oauth_service_token(endpoint, secrets, scope = NULL, sub = NULL)


  • endpoint: An OAuth endpoint, created by oauth_endpoint()
  • secrets: Secrets loaded from JSON file, downloaded from console.
  • scope: a character vector of scopes to request.
  • sub: The email address of the user for which the application is requesting delegated access.


## Not run: endpoint <- oauth_endpoints("google") secrets <- jsonlite::fromJSON("~/Desktop/httrtest-45693cbfac92.json") scope <- "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/bigquery.readonly" token <- oauth_service_token(endpoint, secrets, scope) ## End(Not run)

See Also

Other OAuth: oauth1.0_token(), oauth2.0_token(), oauth_app(), oauth_endpoint()

  • Maintainer: Hadley Wickham
  • License: MIT + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2023-08-15