Perform HTTP Requests and Process the Responses
Translate curl syntax to httr2
Code for examples
httr2: Perform HTTP Requests and Process the Responses
Iteration helpers
Create and encode a JWT
Retrieve most recent request/response
Perform a list of requests in parallel
Clear OAuth cache
httr2 OAuth cache location
OAuth client authentication
Create an OAuth client
OAuth authorization code components
Default redirect url for OAuth
Retrieve an OAuth token using the cache
Create an OAuth token
Obfuscate mildly secret information
Pipe operator
Progress bars in httr2
Sign a request with the AWS SigV4 signing protocol
Authenticate request with HTTP basic authentication
Authenticate request with bearer token
Send data in request body
Automatically cache requests
Set and preserve cookies
Perform a dry run
Control handling of HTTP errors
Modify request headers
Set HTTP method in request
OAuth with authorization code
OAuth with a bearer JWT (JSON web token)
OAuth with client credentials
OAuth with device flow
OAuth with username and password
OAuth with a refresh token
OAuth token exchange
OAuth authentication
Set arbitrary curl options in request
Perform a request and return a streaming connection
Perform requests iteratively, generating new requests from previous re...
Perform a list of requests in parallel
Perform request asynchronously using the promises package
Perform multiple requests in sequence
Perform a request and handle data as it streams back
Perform a request to get a response
Add a progress bar to long downloads or uploads
Use a proxy for a request
Control when a request will retry, and how long it will wait between t...
Set request method/path from a template
Rate limit a request by automatically adding a delay
Set time limit for a request
Modify request URL
Set user-agent for a request
Show extra output when request is performed
Create a new HTTP request
Extract body from response
Check the content type of a response
Extract response content type and encoding
Extract request date from response
Extract headers from a response
Parse link URL from a response
Show the raw response
Extract wait time from a response
Extract HTTP status from response
Read a streaming body a chunk at a time
Get URL/components from the response
Create a new HTTP response
Tools for working with lists of responses
Secret management
Signal total number pages
Display internal throttle status
Parse and build URLs
Temporarily mock requests
Temporarily set verbosity for all requests
Tools for creating and modifying HTTP requests, then performing them and processing the results. 'httr2' is a modern re-imagining of 'httr' that uses a pipe-based interface and solves more of the problems that API wrapping packages face.
Useful links