as_huxtable function

Convert objects to huxtables

Convert objects to huxtables

as_huxtable or as_hux converts an object to a huxtable. Conversion methods exist for data frames and tibbles, tables, ftables, matrices and (most) vectors.

as_huxtable(x, ...) as_hux(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: as_huxtable( x, add_colnames = getOption("huxtable.add_colnames", TRUE), add_rownames = FALSE, autoformat = getOption("huxtable.autoformat", TRUE), ... ) ## S3 method for class 'grouped_df' as_huxtable(x, ..., groups_to_headers = FALSE) is_huxtable(x) is_hux(x)


  • x: Object to convert.
  • ...: Arguments passed on to huxtable().
  • add_colnames: If TRUE, add a first row of column names to the huxtable.
  • add_rownames: If TRUE or a character string, add a first column of row names to the huxtable. The string gives the name for the new column (or "rownames" for TRUE).
  • autoformat: If TRUE, automatically format columns by type. See below.
  • groups_to_headers: Logical. Convert groups to header rows?


An object of class "huxtable".


is_hux[table] tests if an object is a huxtable.

For table objects, add_colnames and add_rownames are TRUE by default. For matrix objects, they are FALSE. Other classes use options("huxtable.add_colnames"), which is TRUE by default; add_rownames


For dplyr::grouped_df() objects, groups will be converted to header rows if groups_to_headers is TRUE.


dfr <- data.frame( a = 1:5, b = letters[1:5], stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) as_huxtable(dfr) mx <- matrix(letters[1:12], 4, 3) as_huxtable(mx, add_colnames = FALSE) library(stats) tbl <- table( Wool = warpbreaks$wool, Tension = warpbreaks$tension ) as_huxtable(tbl) # adds row and column names by default # adding rownames: as_hux(mtcars[1:3,], add_colnames = TRUE, add_rownames = "Car") if (requireNamespace("dplyr")) { iris_grp <- dplyr::group_by(iris[c(1:4, 51:54, 101:104), ], Species) as_hux(iris_grp, groups_to_headers = TRUE) }
  • Maintainer: David Hugh-Jones
  • License: MIT + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2024-10-01