Brute-force calculation of the non-decimated squared wavelet transform.
Brute-force calculation of the non-decimated squared wavelet transform.
Accurate, but brute-force, direct (slow) calculation of the non-decimated squared wavelet transform.
sqndwdecomp(x, J, filter.number, family)
x: The sequence you want to transform
J: The number of resolutions you want
filter.number: The wavelet filter you wish to use.
family: The wavelet family you wish to use
Works by computing the discrete wavelets and the necessary scales using hwwn.dw function. Then forms the direct inner product with the data with the squares of the discrete wavelets.
Returns a matrix of J rows and length(x) columns. Row j in the matrix returned corresponds to the level (nlev-j) resolution level coefficients (where nlev is nlevelsWT(x)) in the WaveThresh ordering.
Fryzlewicz, P., Nason, G.P. and von Sachs, R. (2008) A wavelet-Fisz approach to spectrum estimation. J. Time Ser. Anal., 29 , 868-880.
Piotr Fryzlewicz (modified by Guy Nason)
See Also
## Generate random series and then take transformx <- rnorm(128)y <- sqndwdecomp(x=x, J=2, filter.number=3, family="DaubExPhase")