Hydrology and Climate Forecasting
Apply bias factor to different forecasts for multi/operational/real ti...
Biascorrect the input timeseries or hyfo dataset
An S4 class, representing the biasFactor of single time series biasCor...
An S4 class, representing the biasFactor of hyfo file.
Check data for bind function.
Collect data from different csv files.
Collect data from csv for Anarbe case.
Collect data from different excel files
collect data from different txt.
Change lon lat coordinates to cell coordinates
Downscale NetCDF file
Extract period from list or dataframe.
Fill gaps in the rainfall time series.
Get annual rainfall of different rainfall time series
Get annual rainfall of the input time series.
Get bias factor for multi/operational/real time bias correction.
Combine ensembles together
Extract time series from forecasting data.
Get ensemble forecast from historical data.
get L moment analysis of the input distribution
Get mean rainfall data.
get moment analysis of the input distribution
Get variable name of the NetCDF file.
get mean rainfall bar plot of the input dataset or time series.
Combine bars together
Get spatial map of the input dataset.
Combine maps together
Replot raster matrix
Convert a list to a dataframe.
Load NetCDF file
Get monthly rainfall
plot time series, with marks on missing value.
Combine time seires plot together
Resample your time series or ncdf files.
Get a catchment object from selected shape file.
Write to NetCDF file using hyfo list file
Focuses on data processing and visualization in hydrology and climate forecasting. Main function includes data extraction, data downscaling, data resampling, gap filler of precipitation, bias correction of forecasting data, flexible time series plot, and spatial map generation. It is a good pre- processing and post-processing tool for hydrological and hydraulic modellers.