Incomplete Block Designs
A-efficiency of A Proper Binary Incomplete Block Design
A-efficiency of A Binary Incomplete Block Design
Analysis of Variance, Estimated Marginal Means and Contrast Analysis o...
Balanced Incomplete Block Design for Given Parameters
Balanced Treatment Incomplete Block Designs
Balanced Treatment Incomplete Block Designs
Treatment by Block Incidence Matrix of a BTIB Design
Concurrence Matrix for Given v, b and k
Concurrence Matrix for Given v, b and k
Orthogonality of Rows of a Given Matrix
Whether a Given Matrix is Concurrence Matrix or Not
Information Matrix of a Block Design
D-efficiency of a Binary Incomplete Block Design
Block Design to Treatment by Block Incidence Matrix
Existence of A Nearly Balanced Incomplete Block Design Given The Param...
g Function
gts Value
Binary Incomplete Block Design for Given v, b and k and Optionally, wi...
Generate a Treatment by Block Incidence Matrix for Given v,b,k, and Co...
Incomplete Block Design for Test vs Control(s) Comparions
Interchange the Elements of a Concurrence Matrix to Get Highest Possib...
Connctedness of a Binary Incomplete Block Design
Equi-replicateness a Binary Incomplete Block Design
Orthogonality a Block Design
Proper Binary Incomplete Block Design
Variance Balancedness of a Binary Incomplete Block Design
Whole Number or Not
Linear Integer Programming Formulation to Update Incidence Matrix
Block Design from Given Treatment by Block Incidence Matrix
An Alternative Approach to Obtain a Block Design with Specified Concur...
Randomize a block design
A collection of several utility functions related to binary incomplete block designs. Contains function to generate A- and D-efficient binary incomplete block designs with given numbers of treatments, number of blocks and block size. Contains function to generate an incomplete block design with specified concurrence matrix. There are functions to generate balanced treatment incomplete block designs and incomplete block designs for test versus control treatments comparisons with specified concurrence matrix. Allows performing analysis of variance of data and computing estimated marginal means of factors from experiments using a connected incomplete block design. Tests of hypothesis of treatment contrasts in incomplete block design set up is supported.