Efficient Designs for Discrete Choice Experiments
Coordinate Exchange algorithm for MNL models.
Data transformation.
DB error
Coded design to readable design.
idefix: efficient designs for discrete choice experiments.
Importance sampling MNL
Load numeric choice data from directory
Modified Fedorov algorithm for MNL models.
Profiles generation.
Response generation
Sequential Coordinate Exchange algorithm for MNL model.
Sequential Kullback-Leibler based algorithm for the MNL model.
Sequential modified federov algorithm for MNL model.
Shiny application to generate a discrete choice survey.
Generates efficient designs for discrete choice experiments based on the multinomial logit model, and individually adapted designs for the mixed multinomial logit model. The generated designs can be presented on screen and choice data can be gathered using a shiny application. Traets F, Sanchez G, and Vandebroek M (2020) <doi:10.18637/jss.v096.i03>.