A Toolkit for Sports Injury Data Analysis
Check the dates in injury data and exposure data
Cut the range of the follow-up
Build follow-up data frame
Transform injury data into a long format
Proper Conversion of Date objects
Get the season
Obtain suffix for time exposure unit
Plot player's injury incidence/burden ranking
Plot injuries over the follow-up period
Plot polar area diagrams representing players' prevalence
Plot risk matrices
Calculate injury prevalence
Estimate injury summary statistics
Transform injsummary() output according to the unit of exposure
Check if an object is of class injd
Check if an object is of class injds
constructor of injd class
Prepare data in a standardized format
Get the year
validator or injd class
Sports Injury Data analysis aims to identify and describe the magnitude of the injury problem, and to gain more insights (e.g. determine potential risk factors) by statistical modelling approaches. The 'injurytools' package provides standardized routines and utilities that simplify such analyses. It offers functions for data preparation, informative visualizations and descriptive and model-based analyses.
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