Easy Access to Model Information for Various Model Objects
Checks if all objects are models of same class
Checking if needed package is installed
Get clean names of model terms
Get clean names of model parameters
Color-formatting for data columns based on condition
Remove empty strings from character
Remove empty elements from lists
Generic export of data frames into formatted tables
Detect coloured cells
Download circus models
Gather information about objects in ellipsis (dot dot dot)
Data frame and Tables Pretty Formatting
Find sampling algorithm and optimizers
Find model formula
Find interaction terms from models
Find possible offset terms in a model
Find model parameters from models with special components
Find names of model parameters from marginal effects models
Find names of model parameters from Bayesian models
Find model parameters from estimated marginal means objects
Find names of model parameters from generalized additive models
Find names of model parameters from mixed models
Find names of model parameters
Find names of model parameters from zero-inflated models
Find names of model predictors
Find names of random slopes
Find names of random effects
Find name of the response variable
Find smooth terms from a model object
Find statistic for model
Find all model terms
Find possible transformation of model variables
Find names of all variables
Find names of model weights
Bayes Factor formatting
Capitalizes the first letter in a string
Confidence/Credible Interval (CI) Formatting
Format messages and warnings
Convert number to words
p-values formatting
Probability of direction (pd) formatting
Percentage in ROPE formatting
String Values Formatting
Parameter table formatting
Numeric Values Formatting
Get auxiliary parameters from models
Get the model's function call
Get the data that was used to fit the model
Create a reference grid
Model Deviance
Extract degrees of freedom
A robust alternative to stats::family
Get the value at the intercept
Log-Likelihood and Log-Likelihood correction
Model Matrix
Get model parameters from marginal effects models
Get model parameters from models with special components
Get model parameters from Bayesian models
Get model parameters from estimated marginal means objects
Get model parameters from generalized additive models
Get model parameters from mixed models
Get model parameters from htest-objects
Get model parameters
Get model parameters from zero-inflated and hurdle models
Confidence intervals around predicted values
Model predictions (robust) and their confidence intervals
Get the data from model predictors
Get summary of priors used for a model
Get the data from random effects
Extract model residuals
Get the values from the response variable
Get residual standard deviation from models
Get statistic associated with estimates
Return function of transformed response variables
Get variance-covariance matrix from models
Get variance components from random effects models
Get the values from model weights
Checks if model has an intercept
insight: A Unified Interface to Access Information from Model Objects ...
Convergence test for mixed effects models
Check if object is empty
Checks if a model is a generalized additive model
Checks if a model is a mixed effects model
Checks if a regression model object is supported by the insight packag...
Checks if an object is a regression model or statistical test object
Checks if an object stems from a multivariate response model
Checks whether a list of models are nested models
Checks if model is a null-model (intercept-only)
Get link-function from model object
Get link-inverse function from model object
Access information from model objects
Name the model
Count number of random effect levels in a mixed model
Get number of observations from a model
Count number of parameters in a model
Compute intercept-only model for regression models
Check names and rownames
Coloured console output
Prepare summary statistics of model parameters for printing
Standardize column order
Standardize column names
Remove backticks from a string
Small helper functions
Validate arguments against a given set of options
A tool to provide an easy, intuitive and consistent access to information contained in various R models, like model formulas, model terms, information about random effects, data that was used to fit the model or data from response variables. 'insight' mainly revolves around two types of functions: Functions that find (the names of) information, starting with 'find_', and functions that get the underlying data, starting with 'get_'. The package has a consistent syntax and works with many different model objects, where otherwise functions to access these information are missing.