Interfaces to Phylogenetic Software in R
Set Priors for MrBayes
Masking of Sequence Alignments with ALISCORE
XML Parameter Nodes
Nucleotide-Nucleotide BLAST
Simple Gap/Indel Coding
Collapse Unsupported Edges/Branches in a Phylogeny
Graft Polytomies on Tips of Phylogeny
Delete Missing Data from DNA Sequences
Remove Gap Positions From DNA Sequences
Descendants of an Internal Node in a Phylogeny
Conversion of DNAbin to Index
Identify/Delete Spurious Rows and Columns from DNA Alignments
Standard Node Numbering in Phylo Objects
Equal Tip Heights
Masking of Sequence Alignments with GBLOCKS
Conversion of Index to DNAbin
Internal IPS Functions
Interfaces to Phylogenetic Software
Profile Alignment with MAFFT
Sequence Alignment with MAFFT
Model Settings for MrBayes
MCMC Settings for MrBayes
Bayesian MCMC Tree Search with MrBayes
Neighboring Nodes in a Minimum Spanning Tree
Numbers of Tips of (Sub)trees
Identification of Stem-Lineage-Edges and MRCAs
Convert Trees for MAFFT
Conversion from PHYLO to MST Object
Number of Potentially-Informative Sites
Partition scheme for RAxML
Maximum Likelihood Tree Estimation with RAxML
XML Input Files for BEAST
Reverse-Complement of DNA sequences
Read Bayesian Trees
Extract node data from BEAST chronogram
Reading Sequence Files
Identification of Sister Nodes and Clades
Find Monophyletic Subsets in Species Lists
Find Pairs of Sister Species
Tip Heights in a Phylogenetic Tree
Trait-Dependent Shifts in Molecular Rate
Trim Alignment Ends
Unlist To First Level Only
Write DNA Sequences to File
Functions that wrap popular phylogenetic software for sequence alignment, masking of sequence alignments, and estimation of phylogenies and ancestral character states.