getConfigurationById function

Returns the configurations selected by ID.

Returns the configurations selected by ID.

getConfigurationById(iraceResults, ids, drop.metadata = FALSE)


  • iraceResults: list()|character(1)

    Object created by irace and typically saved in the log file irace.Rdata. If a character string is given, then it is interpreted as the path to the log file from which the iraceResults object will be loaded.

  • ids: integer()

    The id or a vector of ids of the candidates configurations to obtain.

  • drop.metadata: logical(1)

    Remove metadata, such as the configuration ID and the ID of the parent, from the returned configurations. See removeConfigurationsMetaData().


A data frame containing the elite configurations required, in the order and with the repetitions given by ids.


log_file <- system.file("exdata/irace-acotsp.Rdata", package="irace", mustWork=TRUE) getConfigurationById(log_file, ids = c(2,1), drop.metadata = TRUE)


Manuel López-Ibáñez and Leslie Pérez Cáceres