get_instanceID_seed_pairs function

Returns the pairs of instance IDs and seeds used as instances in the race (and optionally the actual instances).

Returns the pairs of instance IDs and seeds used as instances in the race (and optionally the actual instances).

get_instanceID_seed_pairs(iraceResults, index, instances = FALSE)


  • iraceResults: list()|character(1)

    Object created by irace and typically saved in the log file irace.Rdata. If a character string is given, then it is interpreted as the path to the log file from which the iraceResults object will be loaded.

  • index: integer()

    Indexes of the (instanceID,seed) pairs to be returned. The default returns everything.

  • instances: logical(1)

    Whether to add the actual instances as an additional column (only if the instances are of atomic type).



With default arguments, a data.table containing two columns "instanceID" and "seed". With instances=TRUE and if the instances are of atomic type (see is.atomic()) type, another column instance is added that contains the actual instance.


log_file <- system.file("exdata/irace-acotsp.Rdata", package="irace", mustWork=TRUE) head(get_instanceID_seed_pairs(log_file)) # Add the instance names get_instanceID_seed_pairs(log_file, index=1:10, instances=TRUE)


Manuel López-Ibáñez