randomProfile function

Generate a random multi-dimensional profile with breakpoints and noise

Generate a random multi-dimensional profile with breakpoints and noise

randomProfile(length, nBkp, noiseLevel, dim, minLength = 0)


  • length: length of the profile
  • nBkp: number of breakpoints
  • noiseLevel: variance of the signal between two breakpoints
  • dim: dimension of the profile
  • minLength: minimum length of region between breakpoints by default minLength = 0


a list with elements

  • profile: the profile (a length by dim matrix)
  • bkp: the list of breakpoints positions (the last position at the left of a breakpoint)


Generate a random profile (vector) of length length, with nBkp

breakpoints randomly chosen. Between two breakpoints, the profile is constant, uniformly chosen between 0 and 1, and a Gaussian noice of variance noiseLevel is added.


This implementation is derived from the MATLAB code by Vert and Bleakley: http://cbio.ensmp.fr/GFLseg.


len <- 1e4 nBkp <- 10 noiseLevel <- 1 dim <- 2 sim <- randomProfile(len, nBkp, noiseLevel, dim) res <- doGFLars(sim$profile, K=5*nBkp) str(res)


Morgane Pierre-Jean and Pierre Neuvial

  • Maintainer: Morgane Pierre-Jean
  • License: LGPL (>= 2.1)
  • Last published: 2019-01-11