Multilevel Joint Modelling Multiple Imputation
clmm Compatible JM Imputation - A tool to check convergence of the MCM...
Joint Modelling Imputation Compatible with Cumulative Link Mixed Model
coxph Compatible JM Imputation - A tool to check convergence of the MC...
Joint Modelling Imputation Compatible with Cox Proportional Hazards Mo...
glm Compatible JM Imputation - A tool to check convergence of the MCMC
Joint Modelling Imputation Compatible with glm Model
glmer Compatible JM Imputation - A tool to check convergence of the MC...
Joint Modelling Imputation Compatible with Generalized Linear Mixed Mo...
lm Compatible JM Imputation - A tool to check convergence of the MCMC
Joint Modelling Imputation Compatible with Linear Regression Model
lmer Compatible JM Imputation - A tool to check convergence of the MCM...
Joint Modelling Imputation Compatible with Linear Mixed-effects Regres...
JM Imputation - A tool to check convergence of the MCMC
polr Compatible JM Imputation - A tool to check convergence of the MCM...
Joint Modelling Imputation Compatible with Proportional Odds Ordinal P...
Joint Modelling Imputation
Substantive Model Compatible JM Imputation - A tool to check convergen...
Joint Modelling Substantive Model Compatible Imputation
JM Imputation of single level data - A tool to check convergence of th...
JM Imputation of single level data
JM Imputation of single level data with categorical variables - A tool...
JM Imputation of single level data with categorical variables
JM Imputation of single level data with continuous variables only - A ...
JM Imputation of single level data with continuous variables only
JM Imputation of single level data with mixed variable types
JM Imputation of single level data with mixed variable types
JM Imputation of clustered data - A tool to check convergence of the M...
JM Imputation of clustered data
JM Imputation of clustered data with categorical variables - A tool to...
JM Imputation of clustered data with categorical variables
JM Imputation of clustered data with categorical variables with cluste...
JM Imputation of clustered data with categorical variables with cluste...
JM Imputation of clustered data with continuous variables only - A too...
JM Imputation of clustered data with continuous variables only
JM Imputation of clustered data with continuous variables only with cl...
JM Imputation of clustered data with continuous variables only with cl...
JM Imputation of clustered data with mixed variable types - A tool to ...
JM Imputation of clustered data with mixed variable types
JM Imputation of clustered data with mixed variable types with cluster...
JM Imputation of clustered data with mixed variable types with cluster...
JM Imputation of 2-level data - A tool to check convergence of the MCM...
JM Imputation of 2-level data
JM Imputation of 2-level data assuming a common level-1 covariance mat...
JM Imputation of 2-level data assuming a common level-1 covariance mat...
JM Imputation of 2-level data assuming cluster-specific level-1 covari...
JM Imputation of 2-level data assuming cluster-specific level-1 covari...
Similarly to package 'pan', 'jomo' is a package for multilevel joint modelling multiple imputation (Carpenter and Kenward, 2013) <doi:10.1002/9781119942283>. Novel aspects of 'jomo' are the possibility of handling binary and categorical data through latent normal variables, the option to use cluster-specific covariance matrices and to impute compatibly with the substantive model.