base64 function

Encode/decode base64

Encode/decode base64

Simple in-memory base64 encoder and decoder. Used internally for converting raw vectors to text. Interchangeable with encoder from base64enc or openssl package.

base64_dec(input) base64_enc(input) base64url_enc(input) base64url_dec(input)


  • input: string or raw vector to be encoded/decoded


The base64url_enc and base64url_dec functions use a variation of base64 that substitute characters +/ for -_ respectively, such that the output does not require URL-encoding. See also section 5 of rfc4648.


str <- base64_enc(serialize(iris, NULL)) out <- unserialize(base64_dec(str)) stopifnot(identical(out, iris))
  • Maintainer: Jeroen Ooms
  • License: MIT + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2025-03-27