Kaya Identity Data for Nations and Regions
Conversion factor: quads per EJ
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The number of megawatts it takes to replace a quad.
Conversion factor: quads per MTOE
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Provides data for Kaya identity variables (population, gross domestic product, primary energy consumption, and energy-related CO2 emissions) for the world and for individual nations, and utility functions for looking up data, plotting trends of Kaya variables, and plotting the fuel mix for a given country or region. The Kaya identity (Yoichi Kaya and Keiichi Yokobori, "Environment, Energy, and Economy: Strategies for Sustainability" (United Nations University Press, 1998) and <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaya_identity>) expresses a nation's or region's greenhouse gas emissions in terms of its population, per-capita Gross Domestic Product, the energy intensity of its economy, and the carbon-intensity of its energy supply.
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