Spectral Response of Water Wells to Harmonic Strain and Pressure Signals
Calculate any constants depending on effective stress coefficient $\al...
Calculate the cross-spectrum of two timeseries
Access to constants used by default
kitagawa: Spectral Response of Water Wells to Harmonic Strain and Pres...
General utility functions
Logarithmic smoothing with loess
Add proper logarithm ticks to a plot axis.
Calculate any constants that depend on angular frequency
Dimensionless frequency from diffusivity and depth
Spectral response for an open well
Generic methods for objects with class 'owrsp'
Calculate volume of fluids in the sensing region of the borehole.
Spectral response for a sealed well
Generic methods for objects with class 'wrsp'
Provides tools to calculate the theoretical hydrodynamic response of an aquifer undergoing harmonic straining or pressurization, or analyze measured responses. There are two classes of models here, designed for use with confined aquifers: (1) for sealed wells, based on the model of Kitagawa et al (2011, <doi:10.1029/2010JB007794>), and (2) for open wells, based on the models of Cooper et al (1965, <doi:10.1029/JZ070i016p03915>), Hsieh et al (1987, <doi:10.1029/WR023i010p01824>), Rojstaczer (1988, <doi:10.1029/JB093iB11p13619>), Liu et al (1989, <doi:10.1029/JB094iB07p09453>), and Wang et al (2018, <doi:10.1029/2018WR022793>). Wang's solution is a special exception which allows for leakage out of the aquifer (semi-confined); it is equivalent to Hsieh's model when there is no leakage (the confined case). These models treat strain (or aquifer head) as an input to the physical system, and fluid-pressure (or water height) as the output. The applicable frequency band of these models is characteristic of seismic waves, atmospheric pressure fluctuations, and solid earth tides.