Radiometric and Topographic Correction of Satellite Imagery
Thermal band to temperature conversion.
Bare Soil Line
Create a cloud mask from Landsat bands 1 and 6.
Decimal Date
Dark Object Subtraction
Earth-Sun distance for a given date.
Simple image-matching georeferencing function.
Shift and pad an image
Histogram matching of an image
Sample Landsat ETM+ data
Subset a geotiff image.
Whole-image and pixel-based Minnaert topographic correction of remote ...
Simple moving window function.
Sample Landsat ETM+ data
Pseudo-Invariant Features
Radiometric correction of Landsat data
Radiometric Control Sets
Relative normalization of an image
Calculate slope and aspect from elevation data.
Tasseled Cap for Landsat data
Topographic correction of remote sensing data.
Processing of Landsat or other multispectral satellite imagery. Includes relative normalization, image-based radiometric correction, and topographic correction options. The original package description was published as Goslee (2011) <doi:10.18637/jss.v043.i04>, and details of the topographic corrections in Goslee (2012) <doi:10.14358/PERS.78.9.973>.