Latent Variable Analysis
Bootstrapping a Lavaan Model
Fit Confirmatory Factor Analysis Models
Exploratory Factor Analysis
Extract Empirical Estimating Functions
Fit Measures for a Latent Variable Model
Utility Functions For Covariance Matrices
Fit Growth Curve Models
Testing order/inequality Constrained Hypotheses in SEM
Observed Variable Correlation Matrix from a Model and Data
Utility Functions: Constraints
lavaan data functions
Utility Functions: Gradient and Jacobian
Utility Functions: Matrices and Vectors
lavaan model functions
lavaan partable functions
lavaan samplestats functions
Class For Representing A (Fitted) Latent Variable Model
Fit a Latent Variable Model
Class For Representing A List of (Fitted) Latent Variable Models
Fit List of Latent Variable Models
Polychoric, polyserial and Pearson correlations
lavaan Export
Inspect or extract information from a fitted lavaan object
Inspect or extract information from a lavaanList object
lavaan matrix representation
lavaan Names
lavaan Options
Predict the values of latent variables (and their indicators).
Determine an optimal lambda penalty value through cross-validation
Predict the values of y-variables given the values of x-variables
lavaan frequency tables
Pairwise maximum likelihood fit statistics
Test of exact fit
LRT test
Score test
Wald test
The Lavaan Model Syntax
Modification Indices
Convert Mplus model syntax to lavaan
mplus to lavaan converter
Parameter Estimates
Parameter Table
Methods for output InformativeTesting()
Fit Structural Equation Models using the SAM approach
Fit Structural Equation Models
Simulate Data From a Lavaan Model Syntax
Standardized Solution
Summarizing EFA Fits
Variable Table
Fit a variety of latent variable models, including confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling and latent growth curve models.