LaTeX Wrappers for R Users
Convert text size specifications between LaTeX and HTML formats
Format P-values for Reports
Scout Advancement Data
lazyWeave HTML Report Options
Univariable Table
Write Univariate Table to a File
Write and Print Comparison Tables
Comparison Tables
Obstetric Delivery Log
Test the significance of a p-value
Compile a PDF or HTML Report
Add R or R Package Citation
Create and Manage Counters for LaTeX Documents
Include Figures in Latex Documents
End LaTeX Documents
Initiate New LaTeX, HTML, or Markdown Files
Add a Footnote
Insert Code to a TeX or HTML document
Landscape Page Orientation
Links to Webpages or External Documents
Lists in LaTeX and HTML
Convert Matrix to LaTeX Table
Start New Page in LaTeX
Change Page Numbering
Reference Tables, Figures, Sections, and Pages
Open Sections in LaTeX Documents
Tables in LaTeX
Format Text
Paragraphs in LaTeX
Table of Contents and Other Lists
Verbatim Environments
Output LaTeX Code to a File
Generate Latex or HTML reports from R
Mantel-Haenszel test for two-way tables
Provides the functionality to write LaTeX code from within R without having to learn LaTeX. Functionality also exists to create HTML and Markdown code. While the functionality still exists to write complete documents with lazyWeave, it is generally easier to do so with with markdown and knitr. lazyWeave's main strength now is the ability to design custom and complex tables for reporting results.