Analysis and Visualization Likert Items
Absolute value formatter for continuous_scale
Adapted from ggExtra package which is no longer available. This is rel...
Wrap label text.
Likert Analysis and Visualization
Bar Plot for Likert Items.
Creates a density plot for likert items.
Internal method.
Histogram of number of responses.
Matrix plot (experimental)
Builds an object with options for plotting likert
Analyze Likert type items.
Plots a set of likert items.
Plots a set of likert items.
Print method for
. The primary purpose is to suppress...
Prints results table.
Print method for likert.heat.plot
Prints results table.
Prints the results of xtable.likert
Recode a vector.
Reverse the levels of a factor.
Shiny App for the likert package.
Prints summary table of a Likert analysis.
Prints summary table of a Likert analysis.
Prints a LaTeX table of the likert items.
The zero grob draws nothing and has zero size.
An approach to analyzing Likert response items, with an emphasis on visualizations. The stacked bar plot is the preferred method for presenting Likert results. Tabular results are also implemented along with density plots to assist researchers in determining whether Likert responses can be used quantitatively instead of qualitatively. See the likert(), summary.likert(), and plot.likert() functions to get started.
Useful links