Tagging and Validating Epidemiological Data
Subset columns of a linelist object
Create a linelist from a data.frame
Printing method for linelist objects
Get the list of tag names used in linelist
Rename columns of a linelist
A selector function to use in tidyverse
Base Tools for Storing and Handling Case Line Lists
Check and set behaviour for lost tags
Extract tagged variables of a linelist object
Changes tags of a linelist object
Subsetting of linelist objects
Get the list of tags in a linelist
Generate default tags for a linelist
Extract a data.frame of all tagged variables
List acceptable variable types for tags
Checks the content of a linelist object
Checks the tags of a linelist object
Check tagged variables are the right class
Provides tools to help storing and handling case line list data. The 'linelist' class adds a tagging system to classical 'data.frame' objects to identify key epidemiological data such as dates of symptom onset, epidemiological case definition, age, gender or disease outcome. Once tagged, these variables can be seamlessly used in downstream analyses, making data pipelines more robust and reliable.
Useful links