Lining Up Two Sets of Measurements
Calculate LOD score at physical position of each gene
Combine distance matrices into a single such
Calculate correlations between columns of two matrices
Replace the diagonal in a distance matrix with missing values
Calculate distance between two gene expression data sets
Calculate distance between two gene expression data sets
Example gene expression data
Find nearest peudomarker to each gene
Find individuals in common between a cross and a phenotype matrix
Standardize the columns of a matrix
Installed version of R/lineup
Plot summary of inter-individual distances
Plot two sets of inter-individual distances against one another
Plot classifier of eQTL genotype from expression data
Pull out the diagonal from a distance matrix
Subsetting distance matrix
Summarize inter-individual distances
Tools for detecting and correcting sample mix-ups between two sets of measurements, such as between gene expression data on two tissues. Broman et al. (2015) <doi:10.1534/g3.115.019778>.