Easy Linguistics Document Writing with R Markdown
Clean the description of ipafeatures
Conditional Compilation
Wrapper of knitr::include_graphics
for PDF Output
Wrapper of knitr::include_graphics
to Deal with URLs and Invalid Fil...
Lookup IPA symbols with phonetic features or X-SAMPA
Insert IPA symbols with Shiny app
Convert a string of X-SAMPAs to a string of IPAs
Provides 'Shiny gadgets' to search, type, and insert IPA symbols into documents or scripts, requiring only knowledge about phonetics or 'X-SAMPA'. Also provides functions to facilitate the rendering of IPA symbols in 'LaTeX' and PDF format, making IPA symbols properly rendered in all output formats. A minimal R Markdown template for authoring Linguistics related documents is also bundled with the package. Some helper functions to facilitate authoring with R Markdown is also provided.
Useful links