The object returned by the 'lm.diallel()' function is of classes 'lm' and 'diallel'. Specific methods were devised to explore the 'diallel' object.
## S3 method for class 'diallel'summary(object, MSE, dfr,...)## S3 method for class 'diallel'vcov(object, MSE,...)## S3 method for class 'diallel'anova(object, MSE, dfr, type =1,...)## S3 method for class 'diallel'model.matrix(object,...)
object: an object of class diallel.
MSE: Mean Square Error, when it cannot be derived from model fit
dfr: Residual degrees of freedom, when they cannot be derived from model fit
type: It is used to select between Type I (sequential) or Type III (marginal) F tests in ANOVA
...: Other optional arguments
To be defined
vcov.diallel: a variance-covariance matrix summary.diallel: a data.frame of estimated parameters with standard errors anova.diallel: an ANOVA table predict.diallel: a vector of predictions from a diallel model model.matrix.diallel: a design matrix for the fitted diallel model