methods function

Methods for diallel model fitting

Methods for diallel model fitting

The object returned by the 'lm.diallel()' function is of classes 'lm' and 'diallel'. Specific methods were devised to explore the 'diallel' object.

## S3 method for class 'diallel' summary(object, MSE, dfr, ...) ## S3 method for class 'diallel' vcov(object, MSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'diallel' anova(object, MSE, dfr, type = 1, ...) ## S3 method for class 'diallel' model.matrix(object, ...)


  • object: an object of class diallel.
  • MSE: Mean Square Error, when it cannot be derived from model fit
  • dfr: Residual degrees of freedom, when they cannot be derived from model fit
  • type: It is used to select between Type I (sequential) or Type III (marginal) F tests in ANOVA
  • ...: Other optional arguments


To be defined


vcov.diallel: a variance-covariance matrix summary.diallel: a data.frame of estimated parameters with standard errors anova.diallel: an ANOVA table predict.diallel: a vector of predictions from a diallel model model.matrix.diallel: a design matrix for the fitted diallel model


Onofri, A., Terzaroli, N. & Russi, L. Linear models for diallelcrosses: a review with R functions. Theor Appl Genet (2020).


library(lmDiallel) library(multcomp) # Data with replicates data("hayman54") fit <- lm.diallel(Ftime ~ Par1 + Par2, data = hayman54, fct = "HAYMAN1") summary(fit) anova(fit) gh <- glht(linfct = diallel.eff(fit), adjust = "none")

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