Exponential distribution
Gamma distribution
Generalized extreme-value distribution
Generalized logistic distribution
Generalized normal distribution
Generalized Pareto distribution
Gumbel (extreme-value type I) distribution
Kappa distribution
Three-parameter lognormal distribution
Normal distribution
Pearson type III distribution
Wakeby distribution
Weibull distribution
Extreme-value plot
The lmom package
L-moments of specific probability distributions
L-moment ratio diagram
Add points or lines to an L-moment ratio diagram
L-moments of a general probability distribution
Parameter estimation for specific distributions by the method of L-mom...
Parameter estimation for a general distribution by the method of L-mom...
Sample L-moments
Functions related to L-moments: computation of L-moments and trimmed L-moments of distributions and data samples; parameter estimation; L-moment ratio diagram; plot vs. quantiles of an extreme-value distribution.