lmomsRCmark function

Sample L-moments Moments for Right-Tail Censoring by a Marking Variable

Sample L-moments Moments for Right-Tail Censoring by a Marking Variable

Compute the sample L-moments for right-tail censored data set in which censored data values are identified by a marking variable. Extension of left-tail censoring can be made using fliplmoms and the example therein.

lmomsRCmark(x, rcmark=NULL, nmom=5, flip=NA, flipfactor=1.1)


  • x: A vector of data values.
  • rcmark: The right-tail censoring (upper) marking variable for unknown threshold: 0 is uncensored, 1 is censored.
  • nmom: Number of L-moments to return.
  • flip: Do the data require flipping so that left-censored data can be processed as such. If the flip is a logical and TRUE, then flipfactor ×\times max(x)\mathrm{max}(x) (the maximum of x) is used. If the flip is a numeric, then it is used as the flip.
  • flipfactor: The value that is greater than 1, which is multiplied on the maximum of x to determine the flip, if the flip is not otherwise provided.


An list is returned.

  • lambdas: Vector of the L-moments. First element is λ^1(0,0)\hat{\lambda}^{(0,0)}_1, second element is λ^2(0,0)\hat{\lambda}^{(0,0)}_2, and so on. The returned mean is NOT unflipped.

  • ratios: Vector of the L-moment ratios. Second element is τ^(0,0)\hat{\tau}^{(0,0)}, third element is τ^3(0,0)\hat{\tau}^{(0,0)}_3 and so on.

  • trim: Level of symmetrical trimming used in the computation, which will equal NULL if asymmetrical trimming was used. This is not currently implemented as no one has done the derivations.

  • leftrim: Level of left-tail trimming used in the computation. This is not currently implemented as no one has done the derivations.

  • rightrim: Level of right-tail trimming used in the computation. This is not currently implemented as no one has done the derivations.

  • n: The complete sample size.

  • n.cen: The number of right-censored data values.

  • flip: The flip used in the computations for support of left-tail censoring.

  • source: An attribute identifying the computational source of the L-moments: lmomsRCmark .


Wang, Dongliang, Hutson, A.D., Miecznikowski, J.C., 2010, L-moment estimation for parametric survival models given censored data: Statistical Methodology, v. 7, no. 6, pp. 655--667.

Helsel, D.R., 2005, Nondetects and data analysis---Statistics for censored environmental data: Hoboken, New Jersey, John Wiley, 250 p.


W.H. Asquith

See Also

lmomRCmark, fliplmoms


# Efron, B., 1988, Logistic regression, survival analysis, and the # Kaplan-Meier curve: Journal of the American Statistical Association, # v. 83, no. 402, pp.414--425 # Survival time measured in days for 51 patients with a marking # variable in the "time,mark" ensemble. If marking variable is 1, # then the time is right-censored by an unknown censoring threshold. Efron <- c(7,0, 34,0, 42,0, 63,0, 64,0, 74,1, 83,0, 84,0, 91,0, 108,0, 112,0, 129,0, 133,0, 133,0, 139,0, 140,0, 140,0, 146,0, 149,0, 154,0, 157,0, 160,0, 160,0, 165,0, 173,0, 176,0, 185,1, 218,0, 225,0, 241,0, 248,0, 273,0, 277,0, 279,1, 297,0, 319,1, 405,0, 417,0, 420,0, 440,0, 523,1, 523,0, 583,0, 594,0, 1101,0, 1116,1, 1146,0, 1226,1, 1349,1, 1412,1, 1417,1); # Break up the ensembles into to vectors ix <- seq(1,length(Efron),by=2) T <- Efron[ix] Efron.data <- T; Efron.rcmark <- Efron[(ix+1)] lmr.RC <- lmomsRCmark(Efron.data, rcmark=Efron.rcmark) lmr.ub <- lmoms(Efron.data) lmr.noRC <- lmomsRCmark(Efron.data) PP <- pp(Efron.data) plot(PP, Efron.data, col=(Efron.rcmark+1), ylab="DATA") lines(PP, qlmomco(PP, lmom2par(lmr.noRC, type="kap")), lwd=3, col=8) lines(PP, qlmomco(PP, lmom2par(lmr.ub, type="kap"))) lines(PP, qlmomco(PP, lmom2par(lmr.RC, type="kap")), lwd=2, col=2) legend(0,1000,c("uncensored L-moments by indicator (Kappa distribution)", "unbiased L-moments (Kappa)", "right-censored L-moments by indicator (Kappa distribution)"), lwd=c(3,1,2), col=c(8,1,2)) ######## ZF <- 5 # discharge of undetection of streamflow Q <- c(rep(ZF,8), 116, 34, 56, 78, 909, 12, 56, 45, 560, 300, 2500) Qc <- Q == ZF; Qc <- as.numeric(Qc) lmr <- lmoms(Q) lmr.cen <- lmomsRCmark(Q, rcmark=Qc, flip=TRUE) flip <- lmr.cen$flip fit <- pargev(lmr); fit.cen <- pargev(lmr.cen) F <- seq(0.001, 0.999, by=0.001) Qfit <- qlmomco( F, fit ) Qfit.cen <- flip - qlmomco(1 - F, fit.cen) # remember to reverse qdf plot(pp(Q),sort(Q), log="y", xlab="NONEXCEED PROB.", ylab="QUANTILE") lines(F, Qfit); lines(F, Qfit.cen,col=2)