model: The output of a model estimated model using the logitr()
alts: A data frame of a set of alternatives for which to simulate shares. Each row is an alternative and each column an attribute corresponding to parameter names in the estimated model.
obsIDName: The name of the column that identifies each set of alternatives. Required if simulating results for more than one set of alternatives. Defaults to NULL (for a single set of alternatives).
priceName: The name of the parameter that identifies price. Only required for WTP space models. Defaults to NULL.
computeCI: Should a confidence interval be computed? Defaults to TRUE.
alpha: The sensitivity of the computed confidence interval. Defaults to alpha = 0.025, reflecting a 95% CI.
numDraws: The number of draws to use in simulating uncertainty for the computed confidence interval.
A data frame with the estimated shares for each alternative in alts.