maicWeight function

Calculate MAIC weights

Calculate MAIC weights

This function calculates the weights to apply to records for Matching-Adjusted Indirect Comparison (MAIC), from either a raw input matrix or a maic.input object

maicWeight(x, opt = TRUE, keep.x = TRUE, ...)


  • x: Either a maic.input object or a MAIC input matrix
  • opt: return the optim object as attribute
  • keep.x: return the input matrix as an attribute
  • ...: Optional arguments to optim


A numeric vector of weights corresponding to the rows in the input matrix


target <- c("Air.Flow" = 60, "Water.Temp" = 21, "Prop.Acid.Conc.LT.90" = 0.7, "min.air.flow" = 55) stackloss$ <- ifelse(stackloss$Acid.Conc. < 90, 1, 0) dict <- data.frame( "" = c("airflow", "watertemp", "acidconc", "min.airflow"), "target.variable" = c("Air.Flow", "Water.Temp", "Prop.Acid.Conc.LT.90", "min.air.flow"), "index.variable" = c("Air.Flow", "Water.Temp", "", "Air.Flow"), "match.type" = c("mean", "mean", "proportion", "min"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) ipmat <- createMAICInput( index = stackloss, target = target, dictionary = dict, matching.variables = c("airflow", "watertemp", "acidconc", "min.airflow")) wts <- maicWeight(ipmat) rcv <- reportCovariates( stackloss, target, dict, matching.variables = c("airflow", "watertemp", "acidconc", "min.airflow"), wts)