Thematic Cartography
Plot a background image
Plot an sf object
Initialize a map with a specific extent
Plot an annotation
Plot a north arrow
Package description
Plot a choropleth map
Plot credits
Plot a distribution
Export a map
Get class intervals
Get the optimal position of a legend
Get a link layer from a data.frame of links
Get the 'mtq' dataset
Get color palettes
Get map width and height values
Plot graduated symbols
Plot graticules
Plot an inset
Plot labels
Plot a map layout
Plot a legend for a choropleth map
Plot a legend for a graduated lines map
Plot a legend for a proportional symbols map
Plot a legend for a proportional lines map
Plot a legend for a symbols map
Plot a legend for a typology map
Plot a legend
Plot a map
Plot proportional symbols using choropleth coloration
Plot proportional symbols using typology coloration
Plot proportional symbols
Plot a raster
Plot a scale bar
Plot a shadow
Plot symbols using choropleth coloration
Plot symbols
Set a theme
Plot a title
Plot a typology map
Plot a point on a world map
Create and integrate thematic maps in your workflow. This package helps to design various cartographic representations such as proportional symbols, choropleth or typology maps. It also offers several functions to display layout elements that improve the graphic presentation of maps (e.g. scale bar, north arrow, title, labels). 'mapsf' maps 'sf' objects on 'base' graphics.