Approximate Marginal Inference for Regression-Scale Models
ANOVA Table for a RSM Object
Use anova() on a ``rsmlist'' object
Approximate Conditional Inference - Generic Function
Approximate Conditional Inference in Regression-Scale Models
Family Object for Regression-Scale Models
Use family() on a ``rsm'' object
Huber's Least Favourable Distribution
Compute the Log Likelihood for Regression-Scale Models
Support for RSM Family Functions
Approximate marginal inference for regression-scale models
Approximate Marginal Inference Object
Generate Plots for an Approximate Marginal Inference Object
Use print() on a ``family.rsm'' object
Use print() on a ``marg'' object
Use print() on a ``rsm'' object
Use print() on a ``summary.marg'' object
Use print() on a ``summary.rsm'' object
Compute Residuals for Regression-Scale Models
Diagnostic Plots for Regression-Scale Models
Diagnostics for Regression-Scale Models
Support for Functions and rsm.surv
RSM Family Support Object
Generate a RSM Family Object
Fit a Regression-Scale Model Without Computing the Model Matrix
Fit an Empty Regression-Scale Model
Regression-Scale Model Object
Fit a Regression-Scale Model
Fit a Regression-Scale Model Without Computing the Model Matrix
Summary Method for Objects of Class ``marg''
Summary Method for Regression-Scale Models
Update and Re-fit a RSM Model Call
Calculate Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted RSM Model
Likelihood inference based on higher order approximations for linear nonnormal regression models.
Useful links