Uniform Crossover operation on the two vectors of bytes
This function is a C++ wrapper for crossing-over of two byte vectors of candidate solutions
UniformCrossOver(bytes1, bytes2)
: A vector of bytes of the first parentbytes2
: A vector of bytes of the second parentList of two byte vectors of offspring
b1 <- DoubleVectorToBytes(c(56.54, 89.7666, 98.565)) b2 <- DoubleVectorToBytes(c(79.76, 56.4443, 34.22121)) result <- UniformCrossOver(b1,b2) print(ByteVectorToDoubles(result[[1]])) print(ByteVectorToDoubles(result[[2]]))
Mehmet Hakan Satman - mhsatman@istanbul.edu.tr
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